Francesca Bastianini Francesca Bastianini

October 2023 Survey Nights - Come Join Us!

Then (Left): View from Union St. Bridge of the Gowanus Canal in 2018.

Now (Right): View from Union St. Bridge of the Gowanus Canal in 2023.

Gowanus Lighting Project is an ongoing and comprehensive survey of the existing electric lighting conditions throughout the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. Our aim for this longitudinal study is to capture a historic narrative of the night-time experience before, during, and after the large-scale development that is taking place alongside Department of City Planning (DCP) re-zoning.

This October, Sighte Studio is organizing a series of after dark lighting surveys to update the Gowanus Lighting Project with a 2023 “snapshot” of how sites are being developed in the neighborhood and compare this to 2018 survey results. Survey results will be shared with the community and inform ongoing advocacy for revisions to the electric light guidelines for city agencies, stakeholders, and developers.

Are you a lighting designer with work in Gowanus, curious to see its impact? An architect who is interested in lighting survey methodology? Or a local resident who is curious to learn more about what’s happening in the neighborhood?

Join us for one or all nights by following this link sign up for the survey!

Meeting Time and Location


Van Alen Institute

303 Bond St, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Survey Dates

Tuesday, October 17th 

(Rain Date: Thursday, October 19th)

Wednesday, October 18th 

(Rain Date: Thursday October 19th)

Wednesday, October 25

(Rain Date: Thursday, October 26th)

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Francesca Bastianini Francesca Bastianini

Gowanus CSO Installation Workshop


Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is the greatest source of ongoing pollution going into the Gowanus Canal. Each year, about 363 million gallons of raw sewage and polluted run-off is discharged into the waterway. As the population of Gowanus grows, we must come together to lessen our impact on the canal and hold public authorities accountable for CSO reduction in the future.

As Gowanus residents, with support from Van Alen Institute, we’re creating a public art installation to spread the word about CSO in the canal. 

On Saturday, April 30, our team is hosting a design workshop for our neighbors to help us imagine what the CSO art installation could be. 

Using light fixtures, boards, paint, fabrics, plastic and/or other recyclable materials, participants will roll up their sleeves and flex their creative, artistic muscle. Together we’ll brainstorm, draw and collage ideas to shape the installation, and communicate this important environmental issue to the neighborhood. 

At the workshop, participants will also learn more about water conditions on the canal, find out ways to lessen their individual impact, and hear how the neighborhood can hold authorities accountable for the canal’s cleanup.

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